Thursday, 19 November 2009

Children In Need

Friday 21st November is a big day in the UK. It is the day we spend fundraising in every possible way to raise money for 'Children in Need' and the money goes to lots of good causes. Many schools get involved and we having a non-uniform day, which means the students come to school in casaual clothes instead of their uniform and they have to pay for the privelege of doing that - usually £2.00. I have made so many batches of large cup cakes to sell for 50p each that I have lost count. The symbol of 'Children in Need' is a bear called 'Pudsey'. The day starts at 6.00am with requests for music played on the radio and donations made. The highlight of the day is a 7 hour programme on the BBC to raise money in unusual ways. I will let you know the final total next week when it will be published in the newspaper.

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