Sunday, 3 January 2010

Back to school tomorrow

Ah! well back to school tomorrow. Two weeks off and now I am ready for the spring term. Lesson plans completed, apron ironed and my chef trousers pressed. I am definitely ready for the term ahead. This term with my Year 7 group I am doing a topic called 'Bringing Baking Back to Life', where I teach them to make a variety of biscuits: Shortbread, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Meltiong Moments and Ginger Biscuits. My Year 8 group are learning about Cakes and Cake Making: Raspberry Buns, Cupcakes, Sticky Ginger Top Cake and my Year 9 groups will be learning to make a variety of different pastries: Ruff Puff - Sausage Rolls, Shortcrust - Cheese Pasties, Filo - Spring Rolls. My Year 10 and 11 groups will be going on with their GCSE courses and good luck to my Year 11's as they carry out their practical investigations and complete their coursework. I have lots planned for my afterschool clubs and the Jamie Oliver PASS IT ON continues to grow by the day. Last term some parents assked me if I would teach them some cookery as well , so I have planned out three sessions for them.
Tomorrow is a training day and the students come back on Tuesday - all ready for the challenge ahead and I hope all as entusiastic as I am.

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