Sunday, 12 September 2010

Little Eaton Produce Show

The Little Eaton Produce Show was held on Saturday 11th September in the new Village Hall. The day dawned bright as I picked my marrow from underneath the many leaves that were covering it - was it damaged? would it be alright? I carried it indoors and gave it a wipe with a cloth and spoke a few kind words to it. I busied myself making a Lemon Drizzle cake and making sure my pot of strawberry jam was labelled as the instructions. I found a fabric shopping bag that I had made in the summer - nothing fancy just a plain bag for carrying those essential items. I was ready. I drove very carefully to the village Hall trying to make sure that my cake did not slip off its plate. All was ready and my itmes duly displayed. I must admit my marrow looked a bit lost as it sat next to two rather fat marrows spendid in colour. However I reassured it that it didn't matter - he was spendid to me.
WE all went back in the afternoon. It was the first time I have entered anything in a show and being involved in our new village life. What a splendid time we had looking at all the items. I loved the photographs and the work. from the little nursery and junior school. I received a second place for my lemon drizzle cake, but I was proud to have taken part.
The photograph shows my lttle marrow and don't forget to take a look at the slideshow on the sidebar

3 comments: said...

As they say, " it is the taking part not the winning". I think your lemon drizzle cake looks wonderful and pleased that you got 2nd prize, well done.I am sure you enjoyed it when you got home with a cup of tea!!
Jackie in Surrey

Pondside said...

Well done! Taking part in the fall fair is a great way to be a part of a rural community. We had our fall fair here yesterday, and later today we'll visit that of another little community close by, where we'll hope to swap some ducks and a rooster for a laying hen or two.

Linda said...

You have a lovely blog, thank you so much for stopping by mine:) Your marrow is wonderful, well done for receiving second place for your lemon drizzle cake:)