Up at the crack of dawn and in the garden by 7.30am. The dew still on the grass, but a great time to start work as the sun is not too hot. My aim to-day was a mammoth weed. Bine-weed just keeps on growing. I started eside the greenhouse and worked around that large central border, clipping, weeding and cutting back as I went. After a couple of hours I sat in the shade and watched two blackbirds gather worms from where I had been working. They seem to say 'thanks'. Another two hours and I had it cracked. Well at least the central border is done - for now. I had 10 backs of weeds. I compost most things but weeds go the local tip, which is a job for another day. I gathered a few tomatoes, carrots and at the last minute deicded to pick some rhubarb. Stewed rhubarb and ginger for supper this evening.
Take a look at the trug full of vegetables I gathered yesterday to make a Summer Vegetable Tart. The basil is also coming on a treat.I just love sliced tomatoes sandwiched together with torn basil leaves.
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