If you remember last year I inherited a garden from a friend. It has been a labour of love and sheer hardwork, but it is beginning to take shape. I have been growing everything and anything just to see what happens. The results have been amazing, despite the weather and we have had loads to eat already this season. I planted marigolds in the green house with my tomatoes to prevent white fly, but I planted giant marigolds by mistake and the green house has been full of the most amazing flowers. I transplanted many of them to give the tomates a chance. Have a look at the photographs and judge for yourself. Gardening is just wonderful.
The tomatoes are waiting for a sunny day to trun red. I am just wondering how many potaotes I will find in the tub. Last year I weeded the vegetable patch only to discover I had pulled out all the parsnips, here's hoping these will survive. I love squash soup so I am hoping for a bumper crop. The runner beans are full of flowers and the bees just buzz from one to the next.
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